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How much do you know about emergency preparedness? In a crisis, would you panic or prevail? The answer may surprise you. We've made up a fun quiz to test your knowledge on various disasters and emergency preparedness items. See how well you do by clicking the button on the bottom of the page.

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1. True or False: As long as a thunderstorm is five miles away or farther from you, you are pretty safe from lightning strikes.
a) True
b) False


False. If you can hear thunder, you could be in danger. Just because the storm is not right on top of you, does not mean that you are safe. Lightning can strike as much as 10 miles away from the rainy area. Be sure to take cover in a building or car, if possible. However, you can estimate how far the storm is from you. Just count the seconds between when you see the lightning flash and hear the thunder crack, and divide by five.

2. When an earthquake strikes, you should:
a) Run outside to avoid falling building debris
b) Take cover under a heavy piece of furniture
c) Panic
d) Lean against an inside wall or stand under an inside doorway
e) B and/or D

(E). Either B or D. Take cover under something heavy, like a sturdy desk or chair. Or you can use an inside wall or doorway. Just make sure to keep away from where glass could shatter, like mirrors or windows. 

3. What is the minimum amount of water that you need to store for one adult for two weeks?
a) 5 gallons
b) 10 gallons
c) 14 gallons
d) 21 gallons

(C). 14 gallons is the minimum amount of water you should store for an adult. This amount allows one adult 1 gallon of water to use per day for 14 days. It is estimated that the average person uses 65 gallons of water a day, for drinking, cooking, bathing, and sanitation purposes. You will probably want to store more based on your family's needs.


4. Which areas of the United States are vulnerable to earthquakes?
a) The West Coast, particularly California
b) The Eastern Seaboard
c) The central United States
d) All 50 states

(D). Even though earthquakes occur most frequently west of the Rocky Mountains, all 50 states and U.S. territories are at risk for an earthquake. Forty-one of those states and territories are at moderate to high risk for earthquakes to strike.


5. What's the most common disaster that occurs in the United States?
a) Fire
b) Flood
c) Earthquake
d) Tornado

(A) More homes will be threatened by fire than by any other disaster. This is one of the reasons why a fire escape plan is crucial for every home. Flood is the second most common disaster.

6. What's the number one disaster related killer in the United States?
a) Fire
b) Flood
c) Earthquake
d) Tornado

(B) Floods, particularly flash floods, are the number one weather and disaster related killer in the United States. Flash floods cause an average death toll close to 150 people a year.

7. If your car stalls while you're evacuating from a flood, you should:
a) Stay inside the car until assistance can arrive
b) Leave it
c) Call a towing service
d) Flag someone down to help you start it

(B) Leave your car and move to higher ground. Many deaths have occurred when people try to move their stalled cars in a flood.

8. True or False: Small games and a teddy bear can be very important to keep in your 72-hour kit.
a) True
b) False

True. A few small games or a stuffed animal really provides comfort for small children and even adults.

9. When treating frostbite, you should:
a) Rub the limbs down with snow
b) Give the victim a cup of hot chocolate to warm up
c) Gradually warm the body by wrapping in dry blankets
d) Plunge the affected areas in HOT water

(C) Make sure the victim has dry clothes, and wrap him/her in a blanket. The body temperature needs to rise gradually, to avoid damage. Do NOT give them hot drinks or any drink with caffeine. As a stimulant, caffeine can speed up the heart, and quicken the effect that cold has on the body.

10. The most dangerous part of a hurricane is
a) The breaking waves
b) The gale-force winds
c) The flood-causing rains
d) The landslides

(A) Even though much death and destruction is caused by wind, rain, and landslides, it is the breaking waves, known as the storm surge that causes the most damage. During a hurricane, this wall of water slams into the coastline, causing flash floods and structural damage to buildings.

11. How often should you practice your emergency evacuation plan?
a) Once a year
b) Every six months
c) Every three months
d) Only during an emergency

(C) Your emergency evacuation plan should be practiced at least four times a year so your family is familiar with the evacuation plan.

12. Why are 72-hour kits called 72-hour kits?
a) Most disasters are over in 72 hours or less
b) Three days is just about as long as you can take eating survival food
c) You can't carry more than three days' worth of items at a time
d) It generally takes at least 72 hours for emergency personnel to reach you

(D) During a major crisis, it often takes at least 72 hours for services to be up and for emergency personnel to reach you. In many circumstances, it takes even longer than 72 hours .

Here are some great links and resources available.

•  Disasterkits4u & Disasternecessities Articles - where we bring you some of the most useful information on Emergency Preparedness.

•  United States Geological Service Website or USGS. This site can provide you more in-depth information on earthquakes and why they occur. A really interesting feature of this site is that you can sign up to be e-mailed every time an earthquake occurs around the world. The e-mail lets you know where in the world the earthquake occurred, and how it measured on the Richter scale. We've found it really eye opening to find out just how often earthquakes happen around the world.      

•  The Red Cross also has a comprehensive website; you can find information on this charity's activities, as well as tips on how to avoid accidents and disasters. There are great tips on how to prepare for different months and other useful information. There's also ways to find information about your local Red Cross chapter.

•  The Federal Emergency Management Agency Website or FEMA is specifically designed to give you information about disasters and how to prepare for them.

•  Emergency Preparedness Books. For more in-depth information on emergency preparedness, you can turn to many of the excellent books that have been published on the subject. Some that we recommend are Emergency Essentials’ Tips for Preparedness, The Sense of Survival by J. Allen South, Emergency Food Storage & Survival Handbook by Peggy Layton, and various books by Barry and Lynette B. Crockett including: A Year's Supply, and How to Assemble a 72-Hour Emergency Kit . Other wonderful books are also available.

Apply What You Have Learned.

One of the most important steps to take in becoming prepared is applying what you learn. We recommend having a fire drill as a family. You can also stock up on first aid kit items. It also is recommended to teach everyone in your family how to turn off the gas and water in your home. We hope this information has opened your eyes and has helped you learn something new about emergency preparedness. Remember, information and application are the key to effective emergency preparedness.

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